Pumpkin Spice Wafels Recept
Deze Pumpkin Spice Wafels zijn een geweldig alternatief voor klassieke wafels voor wanneer je eens wilt afwisselen. Serveer deze wafels voor ontbijt of als zoete brunch in het weekend, en ze zullen gegarandeerd in de smaak vallen.
Voorbereidingstijd 10 minuten min
Bereidingstijd 8 minuten min
Totale tijd 18 minuten min
Gang Ontbijt
Keuken Amerikaans
Porties 2 grote wafels
- wafelijzer
- sauspan
- garde
- diepe kom
- soeplepel
- kwastoptioneel
- 1 medium ei
- 60 ml pompoenpuree of pompoen passata
- 100 ml karnemelk
- 60 g gesmolten boter
- 1 tl vanille extract
- 60 - 80 g zelfrijzend bloem afhankelijk van de hoeveelheid vocht in de pompoenpuree
- 2 tl pumpkin spice kruiden
- snufje zout
- roomboter om het wafelijzer mee in te vetten
Waffle Toppings
- ahornsiroop
- klontje gezouten roomboter
These waffles with pumpkin puree and pumpkin spice are the perfect fall breakfast. They're crispy on the outside, yet fluffy on the inside, my absolute favorite! Just pour some maple syrup over the hot pumpkin waffle and add a knob of salted butter and you got yourself a delicious, comforting meal.
How to Make Your Own Pumpkin Waffles at Home
- Start by melting the butter in a saucepan over low heat. Turn off the heat immediately after the butter has melted, then pour it into another container to let it cool off more quickly.
- Preheat your waffle iron.
- Crack the egg and add it to the bowl. Whisk the egg, then add pumpkin puree and the buttermilk. Whisk everything together. Then add the vanilla extract, and the melted butter and whisk once more until the mixture is smooth.
- Now that all the wet ingredients are incorporated, we add in the dry ingredients. Add the flour, pumpkin spice, sugar, and salt to the bowl. Then whisk everything together until you have a thick, but smooth batter.
- Once your waffle iron is hot, grease it with some butter to ensure that nice and crispy outside layer of the waffle. Then pour enough batter into the waffle iron, close it, and cook the waffle until it's golden brown and done. This takes around 3 - 4 minutes. Then repeat the process for the second waffle.
- Pour maple syrup over the hot pumpkin waffle according to your liking and add a bit of salted butter on top. The salt & the sweet will complement each other beautifully! Enjoy!