Top 10 vegan products in Dutch supermarkets

Top 10 vegan products in Dutch supermarkets

Top 10 vegan products in Dutch supermarkets

My Top 10 Vegan Products in Dutch Supermarkets

Since November is world vegan month I wanted to highlight a couple of my favorite vegan products! I may be only more of a flexitarian myself, but I do like to try and find vegan products to reduce my meat and especially dairy intake further.

Since I know it can be kinda stressful for traveling vegans to find the right products, I wanted to help you guys. The Netherlands has a lot of vegetarian and vegan options nowadays, so you shouldn’t have any problem staying here.

Since not everyone has the budget to eat out three times a day though, I made a list of my favorite vegan products which are available in most supermarkets. (And if not, at the very least at Albert Heijn, Hoogvliet, or Jumbo, since that’s where I shop regularly.)

1. Oatly Chocolate Drink

Oatly Haver Kakao

I could literally drink this every day and not get sick of it. To me, this tastes like the skinny version of chocolate milk. And that’s great, because I personally don’t want an overly sweet & creamy drink in the morning. This however, is something that I do crave.

The taste is a more deep chocolate flavor without the overpowering sweetness. And, as many of you will probably wonder, no, it doesn’t have a weird aftertaste as some other milk substitutes do. Personally, it reminds me of a somewhat less sweet version of the chocolatey milk that was left at the end of my bowl of Coco Pops cereal.

2. Vivera Kroketburger

Vivera Plantaardige Kroket Burger

Kroket is on my must try Dutch foods list, but unfortunately it’s very far from vegan. Luckily, Vivera recently launched their vegan Kroketburger, which is, as the name suggests, a burger patty shaped kroket. Being a kroket lover, I had to give this a try of course.

We love eating the Kroketburger on a soft bun with some mustard. The first bite is kind of confusing because it is very similar yet different from the original one. The filling isn’t as gooey as the original, but the flavor and the crunch are absolutely spot on! I believe this is a must-try for both vegans and non-vegans.

3. Chovi Allioli

Chovi Vegan Allioli

If you’re ever at my house, you will honestly always find some aioli in my fridge. Since I love the original Chovi Allioli, I was very curious towards their vegan version. Chovi’s aioli is heavier on the garlic than a lot of other aioli’s out here, and that’s just how I like mine to be. That’s why I always have some in my fridge, whether it’s for spicing up my pasta sauce or just to have on toast.

The vegan Allioli is very similar to the original one. It’s slightly sweeter and a bit thinner in terms of consistency. I found that because of that I liked it better with certain combinations than the original one. Therefor, the vegan version is now a part of my aioli fridge supply as well.

4. Hands off my Chocolate Caramel Seasalt

Hands off my Chocolate Caramel Seasalt

A common theme that I hear among many (new) vegans is that they miss a good bar of chocolate. Hands of my Chocolate got you covered though! They are a Dutch brand who are focused on fair trade chocolate, women empowerment and producing a line of sustainable vegan chocolate at the same price point as similar non-vegan chocolate bars. It’s not just their motive that’s great though, the chocolate is delicious.
I first came in contact with their products since my boyfriend happened to work in the same office building as they do. And they were so kind to supply some chocolate for the Christmas gift box. I’ve been sold ever since!

I’ve tried a couple of vegan chocolates, but with this one I’m honestly not able to tell the difference between vegan and non-vegan chocolate. The chocolate is nice and soft and the crunchy caramel & seasalt offer a nice contrast. Even without the fact of it being vegan, this is a delicious bar of chocolate and I definitely recommend trying it out!


5. Vegetarische Slager Petit Pâté

De Vegetarische Slager Petit Pâté

I’ve been eating this one for years now. After I stopped being a vegetarian and went back to eating meat again, I still couldn’t handle the meaty organ taste of pâté. The Petit Pâté has all of the spices and flavors without those undertones. That’s why I think it’s honestly way better than the original.

It’s creamy, perfectly seasoned, and spreads well. I’m sure in time they’ll come up with a version that involves less plastic, but the small individual packages are however nice for keeping the pâté fresh for a longer period of time. If you like(d) regular pâté, be sure to give this one a try!

Iglo Green Cuisine Veggie Sticks

Iglo Green Cuisine Veggie Sticks

The Veggie Sticks from Iglo are very crispy sticks filled with small pieces of pea, corn & carrot. I’m usually not even a real big fan of those veggies combined, but somehow these are really good.

Because they’re so crispy, they go great in wraps, but you could also easily eat them with fries or just as is. They are pretty flavorful by themselves. And another plus, they go in the freezer, so they’ll keep for ages!

Strong Roots Cauliflower Hashbrowns

Strong Roots Cauliflower Hash Brown

While vegan hashbrowns aren’t really a surprise by itself, I still wanted to include this one. Simply because they’re really good. I can eat fried potatoes all day any day, so it’s even better when there’s a healthier version out there that tastes just as good. Especially since hashbrowns aren’t really a thing in the Netherlands.

They are simple, but good. Just what you would expect a hasbrown to be. The outside is nice and crispy and the inside is somewhat soft and creamy. The cauliflower isn’t overpowering at all. Love this as a alternative.

Oppo Double Salted Caramel Swirl

Oppo Double Salted Caramel Swirl

The Oppo Double Salted Caramel Swirl tub of ice cream is both vegan and low in calories. All of Oppo’s ice creams are low in calories, but still really yummy. So we buy one every now and then when we want to devour a tub of ice cream, without feeling the guilt afterwards.

This particular vegan flavor is great if you’re into sweet & creamy desserts. True to its name, it has a deep caramel flavor. The salt however, I didn’t really taste. Then again, I can’t imagine someone complaining about their ice cream not being salty enough. Definitely grab this one for a night on the couch with a tub of ice cream and a blanket!   

Vivera Krokante Kipschnitzel

Vivera Plantaardige Kipkrokant Schnitzel

The plantbased Krokante Kipschnitzel is something we eat all the time at home. Literally translating to ‘Crispy Chicken Schnitzel’ – but without the actual chicken of course – it’s just as versatile as a normal schnitzel. We, for example, use it as a substitute for chicken katsu with our curry all the time, but it’s also great on wraps!

Unlike some similar products, this particular one doesn’t feel as dense or dry. It has a subtle flavor and just the right amount of crisp and chewiness. Out of all the breaded vegan schnitzels, this is by far my favorite.

Alpro Havermelk Barista

Alpro Barista Oat

I recently discoverd the Alpro Barista Oat when trying out new substitutes for cream in my coffee and tea. I don’t like the traditional coffee creamers to begin with, and plantbased milks keep way longer in the fridge before spoiling. I’ve tried different oat, soy and rice drinks, but I really like this one best.

As expected, it’s nice and creamy and works well in both tea and coffee. Unlike many other products, this doesn’t have a strong aftertaste of oat or waters your drink down. It just works really well with the flavors of the coffee. And, it even foams really well!


Are there any vegan substitutes that you feel are still missing from this list? Please let me know! I am always looking for more vegan products to try out. 🙂

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John Radrr
John Radrr
8 months ago

Is there any product that is not Junk Food?

Love to hear your thoughts, comment here.x